Frequently Asked Questions (Click For Answers)
What do you believe about The Bible?
The entire Bible is the Inspired, Infallible, Inerrant Word of God, with no errors of any kind.
What do you believe about God?
There is only ONE true God, the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
What do you believe about creation?
God created the universe in six literal 24-hour days as described in Genesis 1 & 2.
Who is a sinner?
All people are sinners, need to repent of their sins, and seek God's forgiveness in Christ.
Who is Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is both true man and true God in one person; born of a Virgin, never sinned, actually died, came to life again, and rules the universe for the good of all Believers.
What did the death of Jesus accomplish?
Jesus' death took away the penalty for the sins of every person who has lived or ever will live.
How are people saved?
People are saved by faith in this Jesus Christ alone, given only by the grace of God.
What is your belief on Mary?
Jesus' mother, Mary, was not sinless, is not a co-Redemptrix, and cannot hear Believers' prayers.
How do people receive saving faith?
Saving faith comes only by the Holy Spirit working in the Gospel in Word and Sacraments.
Can people choose to believe in Jesus?
No person can "choose" or "decide" to be a Believer in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Are good works necessary?
Good works are necessary for all Believers but cannot and do not ever "pay" for any sins.
What is your belief on infant baptism?
Infants are conceived in sin and can and should be brought to faith through Holy Baptism.
What is your belief on The Lord's Supper?
All communicants receive the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ under the bread and wine of Holy Communion. Only true Believers, however, receive forgiveness in the Lord's Supper.
What is your stance on women in the church?
The Bible teaches that God prohibits women from holding positions of authority in the church.
What is your belief on the rapture?
The Bible does NOT teach a "rapture," or a "millennium," or a "total coversion of the Jews."
What is Judgement Day?
Jesus Christ will return to earth in glory only once, at a time known only to His Father, and those who believe in Him as Savior will be given eternal life in heaven; all those who do not so believe will suffer physical and spiritual torment forever in hell.