Rev. Fr. Steven D. Spencer, M.Div.

- Steven was born and raised in Yuma, Arizona, into a fourth-generation farming and ranching family. He has two older brothers and a younger sister.

- He graduated from Kofa High School there in 1973, from Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, MN in 1977, and from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, WI, with a Master of Divinity degree in 1981.

- He married Kathy (nee McLain) of Yuma in 1974. They have five children and five grandchildren.

- Rev. Spencer came to Sierra Vista in the summer of 1998. - He has also served congregations in Sun Prairie and Brodhead, WI, El Paso, TX, Las Cruces, NM, and Benson, AZ.

- In addition to his work at Trinity, Pastor Spencer also serves as the Circuit Pastor of the Chiricahua Circuit of the Wisconsin Synod, covering congregations in Sahuarita, Benson, and Safford, AZ.

A brief message from Rev. Spencer:

     I fully realize it can often be very difficult to visit a new and different church for the first time. I myself have done so many times over the years. But whether you are new to our area, or have lived here for many years, but are not a member of another Christian church here, I would like you to consider Trinity for your new spiritual home

     I hope you will see that Trinity is fully committed to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and His wonderful Gospel of salvation by grace alone through faith. We base all our teachings upon God’s perfect Word, the Bible. Our church is here for one reason, and one reason only – to help people grow in their faith in the One True Triune God, and receive eternal life through His one and only Son, Jesus Christ.

     Sunday worship begins at 10:25 AM. We joyously celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion at every regular Sunday service. Adult and Children’s Bible Time is held each Sunday at 9:00 AM. We also offer Bible studies each Tuesday at 10 AM, as well as mid-week Vesper services also on Wednesdays at 7 PM during the Advent and Lent seasons.

     I invite and encourage you to visit us this Sunday. For more information please feel free to contact me by phone at the church office, 520-458-5897, or at the church’s email address:

     If there is any way I can be of service to you, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Take care and God bless!

Your servant under Christ,
Pastor Steven D. Spencer